A gym towel to Conquer them all! - StapleActive

The best gym towel. Features you need to consider.

A gym towel that has been designed to Conquer them all! 

After almost 1.5 years of sampling and refining fabrics, design options and suppliers we finally have our gym towel. Let’s us show you our gym towel features that make it the best gym towel you’ve ever owned. 

Size matters

When it comes to your traditional gym towel - we think loin cloth, or perhaps a large tea towel. Barely big enough to cover anything, let alone the gym bench. 

The Conquer gym towel was designed to be the exact length of the gym bench and slightly wider than the traditional gym towel. The width become important for floor work. Need to lay down and stretch post gym work out? This towel will fit your whole body and cover the seat of the angled leg press. Genius!  

Robin Hood to the rescue 

Want to throw the towel in because your current towel falls off mid workout? Yes we know the feeling which is why we designed ours with a hooded backing to go over the top of the gym bench or workout machines. 

So no more slip ups, or slip offs!

Conquer Gym Towel (Pinapples) - StapleActive


The bells and whistles

Paranoid about your car keys getting taking from the hutch or want to keep them safe on the beach? We designed this compartment on the back of the hood to store your possessions. 

  • Hair ties 
  • Car keys 
  • Swipe card 
  • Jewellery items   

The devil is in the detail

Inside the hooded compartment of the waffle print range we added in a name tag in case someone in your gym has great taste and owns the same gym towel. Highly unlikely with all of our print options, however its added security and helps you get your towel back should you accidently leave it at the gym. We have all been there! 

Gym, Car and Beach  

Our towels are big enough to lie on and with the hooded feature now becomes the ultimate towel to cover your car seat on a hot day or post sweat session, then the gym for a dip! Don’t forget our handy pocket will keep you keys and phone from getting lost. 

Wash and wear 

The fabric choice is also just as important. The 250gsm classic towel or the 350gsm waffle are our chosen fabric weights. These weights are perfect for a gym towel. Nice and light and quick drying. 

We ran these towels through numerous wash cycles to test the wash and wear and colour fastness. 

Did we say we are perfectionists here at Staple Active.  


The waffle towel means that we can use sublimation print and develop unique and custom designs for the discerning gym goer.  Fun and unique we have a print option for you and as a gift for your love ones. Keep a watch out for this range dropping soon. 

Wrap it up 

Yes, we have raved on long enough on the amazing towel features but there is one more feature we want to mention. A elastic tie feature on our waffle print range so you can bundle your sweaty gym towel up in a contained state or simply for gym bag tidiness. 

Get yours today! 

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